Where to find us
I will be posting videos with more information on Youtube, Bitchute and GabTV soon as possible. Many people might not accept what is being taught here yet I assure you everything will be backed by scripture so it can not be debated.
Here at New Age Ministries we welcome everyone to partake in our discussions as we keep an open mind and try to put the pieces of this great puzzle together. Personally I will admit that I do not know everything the bible contains and speaks of (as most clergy) as we continue to find new evidence to back our claims on a daily basis. Any preacher/minister/reverend who claims to have all the answers is certainly leading his followers astray. Any opposing input that one can think of can be sure to contact & reach out to me at any time. As we continue this journey towards enlightenment surely we will continue to expand and evolve our way of thinking. If you are not learning then what are you doing?
Contact: Minister Javier Torres
M: 210.784.6757
"Keep company with the wise and you will become wise. If you make friends with stupid people, you will be ruined" -Proverbs 13:20